Map, Location update and AutoComplete Places - Kotlin

Let's see how to show current location in Maps and also show the location which is chosen from AutoComplete in Maps with the updated Google play services. That is, for location listening we gonna use FusedLocationProviderClient and for autocomplete places, we gonna use, GeoDataClient with AutoCompletePrediction, i.e., no need to call places url from our end, Google Playservices will do that work for you. Okiee, Let's start now. You can find the project in Github . PreRequisite: Navigate to and do as per the instructions to start. Manifest: Include your API key, which you got from previous step in AndroidManifest.xml <meta-data android:name= "" android:value= "AIzXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" /> Gradle: Include the following in app-level build 's dependencies. implementation 'com...