Room with LiveData, ViewModel - Android Architecture Components - Kotlin

Introduction: We have already learnt about Room in last post, Room-Kotlin . In this post, lets learn about how to use ViewModel and LiveData with Room to improve usablity. Using LiveData with Room, allows views to be notified about data changes automatically. LiveData: LiveData is nothing but observable data holder class. It allows us to observer changes in data across multiple components of app. It is also aware of and respects lifecycle of Activities/Fragments. It also ensures that LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle state. The following image depicts the Lifecycle and States: Here, CREATED, STARTED, RESUMED - Active States INTIALIZED, DESTROYED - InActive States So, LiveData will remove the updates automatically while in InActive States, i.e., INTIALIZED and DESTROYED. ViewModel: ViewModel is an entity that is free of Activity/Fragment's lifecycle. So it allows us...